Tea tree oil has so many uses and benefits. The amazing properties of tea tree oil cover a wide range from hair, face and all the way down to the toes! Tea tree oil is now scientifically recognized for its many health benefits and properties. Let’s not forget how amazing it does in killing bacteria in the home.
Extracted from the leaves by distillation, the essential oil of the tea tree has a pleasant scent of nutmeg. I equate it to cleaning since I use tea tree oil in my homemade cleaning concoctions. See Farmhouse-Bc.com’s tea tree oil dish, hand and cleaning soap in the shop section.
After an eclipse due to the appearance of antibiotics in the middle of the 20th century, tea tree oil has recently aroused new interest. Here, in this article, discover the many benefits and health properties of tea tree oil.
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DIY hand sanitizer
I have always been aware of the bacteria and virus that surrounds our lives. My children learned almost 3 decades ago how to make themselves aware of germs and to keep their hands washed with a bar of natural soap and away from their eyes, nose, and mouth. This was easy since I have been making soap, the real stuff, with lye for decades.
I do not like to have something that goes on my body that I cannot put in my body. Hence, rubbing alcohol that goes into making hand sanitizer cannot go in my body. Therefore, I create my own version of a hand sanitizer and have always done this. For a very long time, I have been making my own hand sanitizer and carrying it with me. I will share that recipe with you now.
Ingredients needed to make hand sanitizer
- 100% or MORE proof moonshine (white lighting)
- Tea tree oil
- Orange essential oil is optional
- Peppermint essential oil is optional
- UV spray bottle
Yup, that’s it….. The stronger the moonshine, which I get made for me (for cleaning only) is nearly 140-160 proof is my preferred hand sanitizer. This is DOUBLE strength what rubbing alcohol is. I usually make 2 ounces (for traveling outside of the home) and 4 ounces for the home. Ensuring it’s always in a UV bottle!
Moonshine wipes
This is something else I have done forever too. I have 2 kinds of “wipes”, one with lemon moonshine and tea tree and one with just moonshine and tea tree oil. The lemon moonshine wipes are for cleaning surfaces that have known bacteria on them. The straight moonshine and tea tree wipes are for when I return home and need to wipe my phone, eyeglass case, travel cup and more. I place the crock by the entrance to use immediately before contaminating the house with my germs. But first I wash my hands with tea tree & orange hand soap we make and dry my hands well before using the wipes.
Directions for making wipes
- Fill a jar with 100 proof, stronger strength is better
- Add a few drops of tea tree oil (the drops depend on the amount in the jars)
- Cut squares 6.5 inches square or what size you prefer out of tee-shirt material or yardage that is 96% cotton and 4% spandex, this way you won’t have to hem the edges and they won’t fray
- I use a bean crock and place a few pieces of cut towels (wipes) and slowly add the moonshine cleaner to cover the fabric, add more fabric then more liquid
- I do not have my wipes dripping, just soaked in with the liquid
- These wipes are for phone cases, eyeglass cases, travel cups, doorknob (in and outside), iPad case and anything that may have bacteria on them
I have 3 designated rungs on my drying rack just for “bacteria” and “biologicals” that the wipes get hung one. Once they are dry, I put them in an owl container just for those types of wipes. When the owl jar gets full, I sterilize all the wipes separately from my other towels in the home.
Directions for non-toxic lemon wipes:
Part one:
- Wash the lemons with warm to hot water and use Farmhouse Basic Collection veggie soap
- Dry the lemons well with a cotton or linen towel
- Squeeze the juice from the lemons
- Remove any zest if needed
- Remove all the white flesh and pith (if left, it will mold)
- Slice very thin or use a chopper to cube into small pieces
- Place in a UV canning jar (optional, but best)
- Add 100 proof or stronger moonshine to the near top
- Place a glass weight on the top (eliminate any floaters)
- A drip-free lid or plastic lid on the jar is needed (metal is not recommended)
- Wait for several weeks or a month or more
- Each week, check that mold is not growing and the lemons are completely submerged in liquid
Part two:
- Once the color looks like a lemon cleaner, remove the lemons
- Add a few drops of tea tree oil
- Optional-add a few drops of pure lemon and orange essential oils
- Cut squares of tee-shirt material or yardage that is 96% cotton and 4% spandex into a size that is manageable, I used 6.5 inches square, this way you won’t have to hem the edges and they won’t fray
- Place a few pieces of cut towels (wipes) and slowly add the moonshine cleaner to cover the fabric, add more fabric then more liquid
- I do not have my wipes dripping, just soaked in
- Use to clean counters (not recommended for granite counters), toys, glass, plastic or anything that can have a wet cloth on it and with a citrus cleaner
Tea Tree Oil Healing
The tea tree oil promotes the healing of minor wounds and helps prevent infection. The antiseptic properties of tea tree oil make it a perfect product for curing all kinds of common infections. This includes cuts and abrasions, as well as insect bites and stings. There are articles proclaiming tea tree oil fights yeast infections and removes warts but you will have to do your own research on that claim.
A recent blogging friend who has a pool with children who swim all summer has stated that she uses tea tree oil for their swimmer’s ear. There are pros and cons to this, do your own research but if someone I trust actually uses it, that’s good enough for me. Mind you, we are talking about a very few drops going in the ear, occasionally.
Clearing congestion using tea tree oil
Occasionally, I get a slight sinus infection and I find the only relief I get is when I make my own sinus steam inhaler. It’s very easy to do:
- Pull hair back away from the face
- Be mindful that a metal necklace may absorb the steam and burn your neck
- Add boiling water to a basin
- Add several drops of the following essential oils-or choose your own-tea tree-eucalyptus and peppermint are my three favorite blends
- Place you head directly over the basin with the boiling water
- Drape a large clean towel around your neck and cover the bowl
- Breathe deeply with your nose as close to the water as possible (this aid with draining the nose too)
- Stay this way for at least 10 minutes if possible
- Add the water to the garden or compost
Cleaning your home with tea tree oil
Cleaning the home with tea tee oil is something I have done for as long as I can remember. My cleaning solution has evolved over the years. I used to use vinegar but has switched that out with 100 proof moonshine. I have a full blog on Non-Toxic Cleaners where you can learn about some more healthier ways to clean your home! Every time I smell tea tree oil, it reminds me of cleaning my home. Not everyone likes the smell, but to me, it reminds me of how I can kill bacteria naturally.
Tea tree oil has antiviral and antiseptic qualities when cleaning the home. It’s useful for not only cleaning the home but deodorizing it naturally too. Tea tree oil needs to be diluted with water, vinegar or moonshine. It should not be used straight out of the bottle for cleaning. Usually, a few drops are added to water or vinegar per cup will suffice. Keeping the spray in UV jars ensures light does not breach the inside, thus weakening the cleaner.
I am a huge believer in steam cleaning along with my non-toxic cleaners. I steam my counters and I have a steam mop that I use weekly on my tile and concrete floors. We do not wear shoes in the home but I do have a fur-baby that brings in the “outside” inside the home; as well as 2 inside birds. Using the moonshine cleaners along with the steamers, I am able to kill bacteria and germs in the home.
Moonshine and tea tree oil bathroom and kitchen cleaners
Use the vinegar/moonshine spray along with baking soda in the bathroom to ward off potential mold. Adding lemon juice with a tea tree is a powerful natural cleaner too. Check out my post, Lemon Health Benefits, and see what amazing benefits lemons can provide for your health. I also soak lemon rinds in 100 proof moonshine and add tea tree oil as well as lemon and orange essential oils for a wonderful smelling disinfectant.
Sprinkle baking soda in your garbage disposal, add vinegar and a few drops of tea tree oil and let it foam. Rinse with near-boiling water to kill the bacteria that are prevalent in garbage disposals. Baking Soda and Uses is a great post I have written with some information and benefits to check out!
Other benefits of using tea tree oil
- Add a few drops to your Himalayan salt lamp (would you like to make your own lamp; check out How To Make a Himalayan Salt Lamp)
- I have added a few drops to the washing machine for my hubby’s laundry on those days where the clothes and the washer could use a shot of tea tree oil.
- Sanitizing hairbrushes and combs works well for many reasons, bacteria, fungus growth, dandruff and more that may be on the brushes/combs.
Disinfecting toothbrushes with tea tree oil
- Sanitize toothbrushes by spraying a mist of moonshine and tea tree oil mixture on the bristles after brushing and let air-dry
- Once a week add one drop of tea tree oil to the bristles and let stay on until next brushing-rinse before using
- If sick or with a mouth infection, use the drop of tea tree oil daily until sickness or infection clears
Tea Tree Oil as an Antifungal Agent
Its application on the skin eliminates several fungi. Among its other benefits, the tea tree oil also fights various bacteria, some of which are resistant to powerful antibiotics. The effectiveness of this oil is attributed to its ability to mix with the lipids of the skin, allowing it to attack violently and quickly the infectious agent.
As an antifungal agent, it neutralizes Trichophyton, a microscopic fungus responsible for athlete’s foot and other nail infections. In cases of particularly resistant fungi, the doctor may nevertheless be required to prescribe a more powerful conventional antifungal treatment.
I can personally attest to this working. For some reason, I have one toenail that occasionally gets a white fungus. (NOT my toe in the picture) lol. I apply tea tree oil on a clean cotton swab and apply it to the affected area. Surprisingly, within 3 days of applying the tea tree oil, the fungus is completely gone! Only dip the cotton swab once, never double dip as you will be contaminating the tea oil with bacteria from the swab.
Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff, Cradle Crap, and Head Lice
Another study concluded that a 0.5% solution of tea tree oil protected against a fungus that frequently causes dandruff. I personally used it on my son when he was a baby and had Cradle Crap along with witch hazel.
I have oily hair and I make a 50/50 (filtered water & witch hazel) solution in a spray bottle and spray my hairline and dab dry once a week in between hair washings. Add a few drops of tea tree oil helps also with itching.
A laboratory test revealed that tea tree oil contains substances that can help fight head lice. However, it will be necessary to extend the research before confirming these benefits and to recommend it to fight these parasites, and especially to make sure that it can be used for this purpose without presenting health risks.
Tea Tree Oil for Skin Conditions:
- Fungal infections—Mycoses develop on the oily skin of dark parts and hidden by the clothes of our body and yeasts that can be eliminated by tea tree oil. Indeed, it is through its antibacterial and antifungal effects that this essential oil neutralizes fungal infections and provides prevention against their appearance.
- Ring Worm—Apply topically to the affected area two to three times a day with a swab or a cotton ball. Do not double-dip or reuse the swab or cotton ball.
- Athlete’s Foot—Tea Tree oil has been known to reduce the swelling, burning, and itching caused by the Athlete’s Foot if used twice a day. Dilute to a 50% solution and put in a spray bottle for best use.
- Bug Bites—Dab a little on a cotton ball or swab. Do this several times a day to relieve the itching and burning bite sensation.
- Diaper Rash—Add a few drops of tea tree oil and organic coconut oil to the affected areas
Tea Tree Oil for Acne
- Pimples and Blackheads—Blackheads are related to oily skin. This condition caused by hormonal factors, food or environmental is vulnerable to the essential oil of the Tea Tree. The latter ensures the cleansing of the skin by killing bacteria and removing the excess sebum.
- Acne—Acne has the same causes as blackheads and tea tree oil will have neutralizing effects on this condition.
Tea Tree Oil and Witch Hazel for Acne
- Wash the whole face with a mild soap
- Pat the face dry with a cotton or linen towel
- Mix 2-3 ounces of a good quality witch hazel with several drops of a quality tea tree oil
- Apply this as a toner after the face has been washed and patted dry
- Only use once or twice during the day, right before bed is best
- Do NOT overuse as the combination can cause the skin to dry producing more oil to compensate!
Acne mixture
- 1/4 cup witch hazel
- 1/4 cup filtered water
- 4 drops tea tree oil, tea tree oil is great for acne since its oil has antiseptic and antimicrobial qualities that soothe and treat acne
- 6 drops pure lavender essential oil the lavender is healing
If you want to read more about witch hazel, check out my post on the Amazing Benefits of Using Witch Hazel.
Tea Tree Oil Warnings
- Do not ingest tea tree oil: ingestion may be toxic
- Avoid all contact with eyes
- Consult your doctor before applying it to an open wound
- If you are taking medical treatment, consult your doctor before taking any supplements
- If using on pets, always check with your vet if they suggest a diluted rate. It’s not worth guessing.
- I use it on my dog’s ear after removing a tick-check your vet for this
- Never apply tea tree oil in your mouth: it is irritating and toxic if you swallow it
- Toothpaste that has tea tree oil in it, is harmless because it contains very little and the antiseptic action is limited
- In rare cases, tea tree oil can cause an allergic skin rash
- Before using it for the first time, apply a few drops with a cotton swab on the inside of the arm: if you are allergic, you will quickly notice marked redness or inflammation. In this case, do not use it.
- Apart from the risk of mild irritation of the skin, tea tree oil has no contraindication in local use. But, like many other plant oils, it can irritate eyes and mucous membranes when used pure and undiluted.
Things to remember while choosing tea tree oil
- There is not just one kind of tea tree. When you buy tea tree oil, check that it comes from Melaleuca alternifolia.
- Oils of different origins often have a high content of cineole and do not have the same benefits and medicinal properties.
- There is a wide choice of shampoos, soaps, and other skincare products with tea tree oil, but these products sometimes contain too little to have a real antiseptic effect.
Want to know some more interesting facts about Tea Tree Oil? Check out what Wikipedia has to say!
Farmhouse Basic Collection Tea Tree Orange All Purpose Soap can be found on Amazon
Tea Tree oil can be found on Amazon
Witch Hazel in an amber glass bottle can be found on Amazon
6 pack 2-ounce Amber glass spray bottles can be found on Amazon
5-piece e-cloth starter set can be found on Amazon
8-piece e-cloth starter set can be found on Amazon
Bissell Powerfresh slim can be found on Amazon
Shark Steamer mop can be found on Amazon
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