Simple ways for seed organization for storing plant seeds that will help you in your gardening endeavors! Seed saving is frugal and I admit I enjoy saving and organizing anything!

Seed organization needs a method, in my humble opinion. I enjoy making labels, creating excel sheets, and buying organizing tools which I used for this seed organization blog and video.
Unfortunately, since I started blogging over the last several years, I am short on time and I have been purchasing mostly started plants for my garden from the nursery. But this year, I want to go back to my good-old-days by starting plants from seeds and a new method of seed organization!
This spring my mind is on gardening like most eager gardeners! I elected to only purchase seeds this year for my garden like I have done for decades in the past. This year they will only be seeds from the Dollar Tree.
The seeds are manufactured in the USA and are GMO-free! The cost per packet of seeds is .25 cents! Some seeds are heirloom too! Check out 5 Shocking Reasons to Buy Dollar Tree Seeds, click now, it will open in a new tab so you can read after this post!
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FAQ on Seed Organization and Seed Saving
How do I save seeds for the next year?
How do you save seeds?
Is it illegal to save seeds?
How do you dry and save seeds?
Will 20-year-old seeds grow?
Can I store seeds in Ziploc bags?
What is the best way to store seeds for the long term?
Seed Organization Video Tutorial
6 Simple and Different Ways to Easy Seed Organization

# 1 Seed Organization in Manila Envelopes
I used to store my seeds in the little office manila envelopes for years off and on. It was easy and I didn’t save a lot of seeds back in the day. I like the fact that the envelopes are inexpensive and paper that can be recycled.
I didn’t like that rodents and bugs could easily get in the paper packages. Since the envelopes are made from paper, they didn’t protect the seeds from water, moisture, or elements also.
Using this method made it difficult to keep the seeds contained since I didn’t want to seal the glue on the envelope and it would tear every time, I wanted to open it. Many times, the seeds would fall out of the packets.
Another reason I didn’t care for the little seed packets, there wasn’t a lot of room to write down the pertinent information on the little packet. There was barely any room for the name and the date. I stopped using this method years ago. However, it was very easy for seed organization with the manila envelopes.
#2 Plastic Photo Containers for Seed Organization
I have used plastic photo containers many times to store seeds since the whole container made it portable to bring to the garden to plant or to my gardening bench on the porch. It is nice to have individual plastic containers for each seed packet since the containers hold many little individual containers for seed organization.
The convenience of the little plastic totes makes it easy to carry and it is waterproof. However, unless I keep the seeds in the manila envelopes or all-natural paper towels, the seeds came in contact with the plastic and I am not a fan of plastic. I also had to label each bin on several sides since the top is not visible once they are all in the case.
Also, the bulky large size of the case made it difficult to store the seeds during the hot months. I could not easily fit it in the refrigerator if I needed to keep them cool.
#3 Freezer and Plastic Bags for Seed Organization and Storing

Freezer and plastic bags are waterproof, easy to see the contents, and there is plenty of room to write on the baggie any pertinent information for the freezer bags and the little bags don’t provide much space.
The biggest downfall, again, is the plastic, even if it is a food-grade plastic bag. I have had mice or critters gnaw through the bags and eat the seeds. I have lost some heirloom seeds via this method a long time ago.
You must ensure there is no moisture at all in the seeds otherwise they risk the chance of mold which would hinder the seeds from reproducing again. This method is not worth it in my opinion.
#4 Vacuum Seal Bags for Seed Organization and Saving Seeds
I have used this method of vacuum sealing heavy-duty bags for seed saving. First, I would wrap the seeds in a paper cloth, like unbleached and chemical-free paper towels. Or I have even placed the seeds in paper seed envelopes before vacuum sealing, this eliminated the contact with the plastic and the seed.
However, many times the seeds are easily crushed by the vacuum sealer and unless you vacuum many seeds at once, the bags add up at more cost than what it’s worth (in my opinion). Seed organization using this method is also cumbersome for storing the bags.
Although the bag is vacuumed sealed with most of all the air removed, there is still a chance for mold to grow if the seeds are moist and not a hundred percent dry. You must ensure there is no moisture at all in the seeds otherwise they risk the chance of mold which would hinder the seeds from reproducing again.
The bags need to be resealed via a heat method each time they are opened. Thus making the bag smaller and smaller each time it is opened. If you start out with a larger bag and open it, each time it needs to be resealed, and the big bag, in the beginning, is hard to store. If you choose to start with a little bag, once opened, the bag will no longer be large enough to reseal using the vacuum sealer.
#5 Using Glass Jars for Seed Organization
I love using glass jars to store vegetable and flower seeds but they are bulky and take a lot of room. My favorite was baby food jars given to me by friends back in the day. I often ran out of room for the jars and had to downsize my reasoning of seed organization.
Some baby food jars would only have a few seeds in them and the rest of the jar would be empty. This didn’t seem logical to have a larger jar with only a few seeds in them. The jars took up a lot of storage room and I no longer felt it was a sensible way to store my seeds every year using glass baby food jars.
#6 Dollar Tree Glass Storage for Seed Organization

I have finally found my happy medium with storing my plant seeds this year. Not only storing the seeds but having a seed organization master plan. Since my whole garden will be seeds that I purchased from the Dollar Tree this year, I bought glass storage jars from the craft section.
The craft section at the local Dollar Tree has several different sizes of glass jars to use for storing my seeds and organizing them. Now, it makes sense to have a little, itty, bitty, jar just to store a few seeds and it won’t take up much valuable space.
The glass jars have either a metal lid or a cork on them. I prefer the cork but the screw lid is an added insurance that the seeds won’t spill out.
Using a Binder to Keep Seed Organization Information

I have a small binder that holds the seed packet for the information. The 4-digit item number off the back of the seed packet is copied to a plant stake and a plastic plant label. These will be used for seed organization and starting and later to identify the plant in the container outside.
Having a single binder that helps keep the original seed packet clean and visible inside the sheet protector is a must for me. As well as the lined-ruled paper that divides the two seed packets. I will be able to make notes on the sheet side that corresponds with the seed packet. I will later transfer all the information and notes to the excel sheet for the Dollar Tree seeds.
A mini-binder makes it easy to carry versus a standard size binder. I am able to slide it under my shelf in my office when organizing the seed packets and entering data in the excel sheet.
There is plenty of room to add more lined paper for notes going forward. Ultimately, I look forward to having one mini-binder for each group of seeds that will store nicely in my garden workbench on the porch.
Reference Chart Planned Out for Seed Organization
A binder is great to house the seed packets but you need to be able to quickly find the seeds you are looking for in their containers. I use the SKU or item number from the seed packet to categorize the seeds in the binder.
Sometimes it’s hard to fathom looking for a string bean seed that is scattered throughout the binder and not next to another string bean packet. Finding that particular string bean in a container with hundreds of other beans would be a daunting task also.
Our minds tend to think we should group the like-kind together. Yes, that makes sense, but if you leave off a part of the title of the seed and not keep it exact, it may be difficult to find the bean whether wax or Kentucky, pole or another type of string bean.
By using the SKU or packet number allows you to forget the name of the seed and find it easily since the numbers in the binder are in numerical order and can be filtered on the excel sheet to filter out just beans! Seed organization doesn’t have to be a chore, just a dedication. A bin number is on each sheet stating in what container number holds the seeds.

The Convenience of a Seed Organization Reference Chart
The binder will only be as good as having a reference chart to refer to. I laminate the chart and hang it at the seed table and another one in the garden under the roof of the water-wicking garden.
I also print the same excel sheet and place it inside a sheet protector to handwrite the data on and transfer that data to the excel sheet for updating and referencing later. This way I can reference the number in the planter to the reference chart for more in-depth information throughout the growing season.

Further along, the same lines, if I need to view the planting and growing conditions, I will utilize that corresponding number to see the actual seed packet in my binder and add notes if I need to update the sheet.
Storing Seeds Long Term
This may sound like an easy task but unless you make good preparations and are diligent it will be all in vain. Preparing to save seeds can be time-consuming and takes an effort. For me, this is definitely something I can commit to as I have done for decades.
Print the Free Seed Tags

NOTE: the size of the printable is 8.5″ x 11″. It will print on a standard sheet of paper. Check your printer settings before printing. You may have to check the box “fit to be printed area”. See Printing instructions and information here.
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Have fun and enjoy. The printables are for non-commercial and personal use only. Please read our terms of use. I would love to see your crafty creations on social media. Be sure to tag Farmhouse Basic Collection and show me your finished products!
Seed Saving
I want to save seeds to use every year from plants I grew that season and reuse them for the following growing season. As my son is maturing in his ways, I know he has taken an interest in gardening as he did when he was more youthful.
We shared many special years, bonding over gardening. Bestowing my seeds and teaching him how to save his own seeds will be very special to both of us. He will also learn the value of seed organization too!

To preserve seeds for years to come you will have to ensure they are dry and not moldy. There are commercial moisture absorbents you can purchase to add to the seeds to keep the condensation out. I like to save money and use natural items in my home.
I have a post on Diatomaceous Earth that can be used as a moisture absorber for saving seeds. I make little cotton-muslin bags with the DE and use them in my food storage containers in my pantry to keep the bugs out of the wheat berries, rice, beans, and such as they work just as well in a seed organization container too!
How to Save Tomato Seeds for Seed Organization

Here is just one example of how to save seeds for next year. Focus on the best produce, know where it came from, dry properly, store and regulate the temperature if plausible for the seeds to last longer.
Saving tomato seeds is so easy when I use my dehydrator on a low setting or herb setting for most dehydrators. I always start with ripe tomatoes. They are always non-GMO and I used organic methods to grow the tomatoes. I know they are the most desirable seed-type to save. Once dried up, it’s very easy to soak the tomatoes in filtered water before planting, which eliminates the tomato matter and helps sprout them faster.
You can also put the tomato pulp and seeds on an organic paper towel and air-dry them that way. I prefer using food-grade silicone mats for my dehydrator to dry and preserve my tomato seeds. The seeds literally peel right off after they have been thoroughly dried.
If you are drying the tomatoes on a paper towel, ensure the paper towel is 100% dry before storing. It is hard to pick the seeds off of the paper towel is the reason many will store the whole paper towel in a container for the next growing season.
Tomatoes are just one of the garden plants that can be saved every year. There are usually more ways than one to preserve seeds. I need to do a whole post on that! Ensuring you have the best seeds, organic, Non-GMO, ripe, healthy, and most importantly, dried properly and thoroughly will be a good start to seed saving.
In Conclusion on Seed Organization
Seed organization is not hard and once you have the glass storage jars, they can be used for years to come! Preserving and re-growing from seeds is not only economical but a special way to share your love of gardening with others by sharing the seeds you saved!
Ensuring the seeds remain dry, cool, and out of the elements will supply next year with a bounty of fresh food for the table. Being able to locate them once they are dried is a portion of the big picture of seed organization.
Read about seed saving from Mother Earth News, I always find their articles fascinating and amazing information to help with my seed organization every year!
More Valuable Garden Links
It’s Springtime and you know what that means! Time to plant those seeds, and if you haven’t gotten your seeds yet, here is a tip! Dollar Tree is the best place you can go! 5 Shocking Reasons To Buy Dollar Tree Seeds will tell you exactly why they have the best seeds but have no fear! Once you get your seeds, let me help you with your Seed Organization In 6 Amazingly Simple Ways!
When you start your seed babies, make sure you read into it because let me tell you, Vermiculite Vs Perlite is a complete gardening game changer!
Interested in more gardening tips and tricks? Visit 12 Gardening Tips for Beginners to learn the basics needed to plant your own garden!
Vertical Gardens for Small Spaces is also beneficial, and gives you the opportunity to plant a garden with minimal space needed!
Want to learn how to make your own natural soil for your new garden? Check out Making Compost Naturally into Gardening Soil. Don’t know what you can compost? Many Incredible Uses for Eggshells will help start some ideas!
In my own garden, I only like to use my Manure Tea Recipe in my Hügelkultur Raised Beds, container gardening planters (which you can find in my Guide to Container Gardening post), and even in the Oya and Ollas that get the liquid fertilizer. I do like to switch out the manure tea every other week with my Fish Emulsion Fertilizer (read more about that).
Need some ideas on what to grow this year in your garden? 11 Great Plants to Regrow From Cuttings is all you need!
Now that you’ve grown your garden, a couple of key factors to make your bounty last longer that would be beneficial would be Methods of Drying Herbs and Dehydrate Food Naturally Using a Dehydrator. These methods allow you to keep what you have grown all year round for your enjoyment!
You’ve grown your garden, but did you grow your gourds? You should’ve! Growing Gourds for Birdhouses, in Containers and For-Profit, can show you the many different ideas that you can make with all different types of gourds!
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