Easy Hummingbird Food Recipe with 2 Ingredients

Easy Hummingbird food with 2 ingredients is easy and inexpensive to make. When you make homemade hummingbird food, you eliminate the plastic bottle and the red dye and preservatives that come in it. 

Is homemade hummingbird food safe? Yes, if you follow a few guidelines such as the correct sugar to water ratio and not using red dyes that are put in commercial-made hummingbird food.

Homemade sugar water is not bad for hummingbirds if you make it with filtered or boiled water and white or unrefined organic cane sugar.

Glass Feeder and Hummingbirds Eating Hummingbird Food

What is the Correct Ratio of Sugar to Water for Hummingbird Food?

The hummingbird food ratio of sugar to water is to mix 4 parts boiled and cooled water to 1 part sugar. I try to always maintain that ratio, no more and no less, and I do not make more than what can be used in 2 weeks. I store any leftover hummingbird food in the refrigerator and try to use it within 2 weeks for the outside feeders.

Can You Put Too Much Sugar in Hummingbird Food?

Too Much Sugar Can Kill Hummingbirds, Use the 1 Part Sugar to 4 Parts Water Recipe

Yes, and if you do, this can harm or cause death to the hummingbirds. Using too much sugar in the hummingbird feed can harm their kidneys as well as their liver. If you put less sugar than recommended when making hummingbird food which is 4 parts boiled and cooled water to 1 part sugar then this will not give the hummingbirds the suitable amount of nutrients and calories they require. Homemade hummingbird food is easy to make and takes only a few minutes to do it correctly.

Do I Need to Boil Water for Hummingbird Feed?

Boil Water and Add White Sugar to Make Hummingbird Food to Kill Bacteria in the Water.

Technically, no, you only need enough hot water to dissolve the sugar. But, boiled water will kill any bacteria and microorganisms that may be in your water.

Is tap water safe for hummingbirds? It all depends if you have common water contaminants such as herbicides, iron, lead, aluminum, pesticides, and more. If you have any of these, you should use filtered water or boil the water for 15 minutes minimum.

Heavy chlorine in city water can be harmful to little hummingbirds. Boiling the water for 15 minutes can help release the chlorine in the tap water. I only use water that is filtered that is heated enough to dissolve the sugar which is one part sugar to four parts water.

What Kind of Sugar to Use for Hummingbird Food?

Only Use White Sugar or Organic Unrefined Sugar for Hummingbird Food Recipe

The best kind of sugar to use when making homemade hummingbird nectar food is white cane or organic sugar. I do not use Sugar in the Raw or any other sweeteners listed below in the table.

What Type of Sweeteners Not to Use When Making Hummingbird Food

Sugar in the RawMolassesStevia
Brown SugarAgave/HoneyArtificial Sweeteners

Are Glass Hummingbird Feeders Better Than Plastic?

A Glass Hummingbird Feeder is Better Than Plastic Ones to Be Able to Clean Them Easier.

Glass hummingbird feeders are better than plastic hummingbird feeders because they are easier to clean and sanitize using boiling hot water. Not all plastic hummingbird feeders are BPA-free and can be harmful especially when heated by the sun. Plastic hummingbird feeders also crack, warp, and are lighter than glass, and often break from strong winds.

What Size Hummingbird Feeder is Best?

The average size for a hummingbird feeder should be about 8-16 ounces. While there are HUGE hummingbird feeders, it would not be prudent or economical since the feeders need constant changing to prevent mold and bacteria from growing which can kill the hummingbirds and their babies.

The best size of a hummingbird feeder will depend on how many hummingbirds you wish to attract. And how often you are willing to change the hummingbird feed, which could be every other day in the hot summer.

What is the Best Color for a Hummingbird Feeder?

It is true that hummingbirds are attracted to the color red and they like bright colors. Hence, why the stores add the harmful red dye to the premade hummingbird feed. Having a red hummingbird feeder and nectar without the dye will provide the color they desire without adding dye!

Why Won’t Hummingbirds Drink From My Feeders?

There are many reasons hummingbirds won’t drink from feeders and they are usually very easy to fix. If the hummingbird feed is old, spoiled, hot, or fermented they may not drink. Any of these reasons can definitely kill a hummingbird and should be addressed.

Another reason hummingbirds may not drink is the location of the feeder. Try moving the feeder to a semi-shaded and safe place. Having the feeders spaced far enough apart so the hummingbirds don’t get territorial with one another.

If the hummingbird food is too sweet or not sweet enough they may not feed. Try making the one-part sugar to four-part water homemade food.

How Long Does it Take for Hummingbirds to Find a New Feeder?

It doesn’t take the average hummingbird long at all to find a new hummingbird feeder. It should take a few hours up to several days for the birds to find the new feeders. Not to worry, they will come eventually especially in the early spring and late fall when flower nectar is less and you are still providing hummingbird food.

Should Hummingbird Feeders Be in the Sun or the Shade?

Never place a hummingbird in the direct sun because the sugar mixture can heat up, ferment, and spoil not to mention burning their tongues while they are drinking. It is the best practice to place hummingbird feeders in the semi-shade when possible.

Placing hummingbird feeders under eaves in the semi-shade is desirable too. Having a place close to the feeders for other hummingbirds to rest while others are feeding is desirable too!

How Often Should I Change Hummingbird Sugar Water?

If the hummingbird feeder is in the shade and the weather is cool or mild, you can change it once a week. If the weather is hot, no matter where the feeder is, you should change the hummingbird food every other day.

Hummingbirds’ favorite time of the day to feed is very early in the morning, after sunrise, and later at night right before dusk, just before sunset when it is less hot.

FREE Printable Hummingbird Nectar Recipe & Gift Tags

Please click on the links to download your free printable hummingbird food recipe. As a bonus, enjoy the free printable hummingbird gift tags to use and color with your style. 

Homemade Hummingbird Food vs Store Bought

Most store-bought hummingbird food nectar contains FD&C #40 which in my opinion, is a very bad chemical. I personally avoid any red dyes in my food as well as my fur-babies including my indoor pet’s food. Feeding hummingbirds is a responsibility as if you have a pet.

Many commercial suppliers add chemicals, additives, and preservatives to hummingbird food that is very harmful to the birds. Do hummingbirds like store-bought nectar? Yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for them. The same way a child will drink Kool-Aid doesn’t mean it’s good for them.

Hummingbird Feed Video Tutorial

Please watch the video below on how to properly clean hummingbird feeders as well as how to make the feed (nectar) for the birds.

How Can You Tell if Hummingbird Nectar is Bad?

First, it should never get to the point when it goes bad. The damage that spoiled sugar water can cause to hummingbirds is detrimental and even death has occurred from the bad feed. Second, change the feed every other day in hot weather and once a week in cooler weather.

Never leave a hummingbird feeder in the full sun if possible, which speeds up the bacteria growth. Lastly, if the nectar has mold, fungus, or a foul odor, it most likely has already caused damage to the birds. Please, if you do not have time to change the feeder often, please, opt to forgo having one!

How to Keep Mold From Growing in Hummingbird Feeders

To keep mold from growing in hummingbird feeders I constantly change and sanitize the hummingbird feeders. With every new feeding, the hummingbird feeder needs to be cleaned with hot soapy water and a splash of bleach. I make certain to rinse it very well with hot water.

I prefer glass hummingbird feeders and have even put the glass jar in the dishwasher. I do not recommend using vinegar to kill any bacteria when cleaning the hummingbird feeder, bleach is best for ensuring to kill bacteria or other harmful molds that can grow in the hummingbird feeders.

Do Dirty Feeders Kill Hummingbirds?

Hummingbird Feeding Babies Hummingbird Food Can Kill Them if the Hummingbird Food is Old.

Yes, a dirty hummingbird feeder or a feeder with nectar that has spoiled can give the birds a bacterial infection. This infection can cause their little tongues to swell to the point that they cannot drink and they starve themselves to death. Also, passing their infection to their birds as well from a dirty feeder that can be easily cleaned and sterilized. 

When Should You Take Down Hummingbird Feeders in the Winter?

Hummingbird Feed Can Freeze and Hummingbird Feeders Should Not Be Left Out in the Winter as They Will Crack

During the fall keep the feeders full as you did in the summer. You only need to change the feeders once a week now during the cooler weather. I keep the feeders up until the first real frost. The birds have a long trip to migrate to a warmer climate and can use the extra energy. This is true for a few stragglers that may get a late start to migration.

I never leave the feeders up past the frost since a stray hummingbird called the rufous hummingbird might mistake that for constant food and not leave. This may cause it not to be able to migrate before the cold weather prevents it from leaving.

Will Ants in the Hummingbird Feeder Hurt the Birds?

Hummingbirds may eat insects, but they do not eat ants! If the ants climb inside the feeder and die, they will contaminate the feed and could make the hummingbirds very sick. By always cleaning the feeders regularly, this rarely happens.

How to Keep Ants Off Your Hummingbird Feeder

You can keep ants off your hummingbird feeder by buying an ant moat for feeders but that means more plastic and more things to break.

I keep ants off my hummingbird feeders by using petroleum jelly each time I clean the feeder and change the water. It only takes a minute to clean off with a rag and re-apply more. Yes, it is messy, but I don’t mind doing it. I change the feeder so often; they never get a chance to keep coming back.

I keep the hummingbird feeder out of the elements when possible which helps the jelly to stay on better. I have one designated container of petroleum jelly in my garden hutch that is just for the garden and I do not mix it with my household products. 

Add Petroleum to Hummingbird Feeder Hangers to Keep the Ants Away From the Hummingbird Food

In Conclusion on Hummingbird Food

Hummingbirds are beautiful to watch, and they’re my favorite. I love to keep them around, so everything I can do, I do it. Especially making hummingbird food because it’s so easy to do and it eliminates the plastic bottle and the red dye and preservatives that come in commercial hummingbird food.

Interested in making a perch swing for your guests of the season? Check out my Hummingbird Perch Swing DIY video! The full tutorial will walk you through a few steps. Mine is still just as new this year as the one I made last year.

Check it out and please share this post on social media to educate bird lovers that may not be aware of the dangers of the commercial hummingbird feeds in the store and how they can easily make their own!

If you would like more information on hummingbirds, view what Wikipedia has on Hummingbirds.

Easy DIY Hummingbird Swing for Perching to Drink Hummingbird Food

Frequently Asked Questions

What Other Birds Drink from Hummingbird Feeders?

You may be surprised that other birds may visit and drink from a hummingbird feeder. Orioles, woodpeckers, chickadees, finches, and even warblers enjoy the hummingbird sweet nectar for a time or two. Don’t forget, butterflies love the sweet nectar if they can reach it in the feeder.

What is the only bird that can fly backward?

Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backward as well as upside-down due to the ball and socket at the hummingbird’s shoulder which enables the bird to pivot its wings 180 degrees and fly pretty much any way they want!

Easy to Make Homemade Hummingbird Food with 2 Ingredients

7 thoughts on “Easy Hummingbird Food Recipe with 2 Ingredients”

  1. Pingback: Attract More Butterflies In 10 Easy Tips! ⋆ Farmhouse-bc

  2. Pingback: Super easy suet bird treats - Farmhouse-bc

  3. I love hummingbirds, but I didn’t realize how little I know about them until reading this post! I had no idea honey could kill them! If I had hummingbirds in my area, I would 100% make my own hummingbird food. One day, hopefully!

  4. This was so informative! And I really appreciate you adding all the extra tips like how to keep ants out and how long to keep the feeder up for. I would have never thought of these! I can’t wait to make this!

  5. Very interesting information! We love watching the hummingbirds. I’ll have to make up some food. Thanks!

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