
How to Use Fish Emulsion

How to use fish emulsion is so easy to do if you know how! There are 2 incredible options for an organic way to add nutrients to plants. Buying fish emulsion in a bottle, or making it yourself! In my opinion, fish emulsion is probably one of the leading, most effective, and environment-friendly fertilizers out […]

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Using Ollas in Gardens

Using ollas in gardens is one of the most efficient hydration methods for your plants and has been around for centuries! Ollas pronounced as Oyas is an in-ground hydration source that I prefer to use in my Hugelkultur Raised Beds. Don’t know what those are? Check out my post, Hügelkultur Raised Beds that Are Amazingly

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The Best 15 Cut Flowers to Grow

The best 15 cut flowers to grow include seeds and bulbs. Maybe you want to become a florist, but you don’t have enough experience growing flowers. You may feel jealous seeing your neighbor’s garden filled with colorful flowers.  However, you don’t need to give up because you can become an amateur florist who has many

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Super Easy Bird Suet Treats

Super easy bird suet treats recipe using homemade natural ingredients! It’s my way to give back to the birds for all the pleasure they give me each day! It’s the least I can do! Winter birds need the extra high protein in the winter months. Making homemade bird suet treats is fairly easy and you

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How to Snip Basil

How to snip basil so it keeps growing bushy and healthy is so simple. Snip basil for a larger yield only takes a few minutes a week. Snipping and picking basil keeps the plant growing more bushy than leggy. Early harvesting of basil is key before the herb grows flowers. How to Snip Basil Plants

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