Diatomaceous Earth for fleas and other uses for Natural Living

All natural use of DE for a bug free clean home with a how to make and how to use

Have you ever heard of diatomaceous earth, also known as DE? It is a natural product extracted from sediment layers of ancient lake beds. Diatoms are microscopic algae of organic and fossil origin. What Wikipedia says about DE is very interesting.  Diatomaceous earth is an ecological and natural insecticide. Our home is all about natural living and using DE helps in that. DE surely helps in flea problems but it has so many other uses for a natural living home!

We use DE for organic farming as it helps to fight against bad insects. This product is 100% organic and has many uses for your family and even your pets. If you do not know this product, it’s time to find out. Throughout this whole post, we will be using organic, food-grade DE no matter what we are using it for.

Many Uses for Eggshells will show and tell you how I use eggshell powder in a similar way.

Here are the 10 amazing uses of diatomaceous earth:

First of all, before we begin, ensure to use safety protection against breathing in the powder. Like any powdery substance, even if all-natural, can be very bad for you and your lungs as well as for your pets. Also, the same goes for wearing gloves, use protection. Because DE can be irritating on the skin, I wear gloves if I will be handling a lot at one time. Finally, I always use a face mask especially outdoors as the wind can be unpredictable, no matter what.

Please note: We are sharing what we use in our home, please consult a doctor or vet before using if in doubt.

  1. Diatomaceous earth a natural pesticide 

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is best known as a natural alternative to pesticides and so much more. Are you looking for a natural pesticide? Yes? So diatomaceous earth is the product you need. Diatomaceous earth is a natural repellent and safe for your family.

To prevent insects from entering your home, simply sprinkle diatomaceous earth inside and outside your home. The list of insects that do not resist diatomaceous earth is impressive: –Be mindful of bees, if you have them they are not immune to the DE and can and may harm them.

  • cockroaches
  • bedbugs
  • fleas
  • spiders
  • ticks
  • scorpions, etc

Diatomaceous earth for use in bedbugs

The bed bug is a subject I’d rather not even mention; but I know here in the south, it’s rather rampant. Fortunately, I have never had them or seen them in my home. Maybe it’s because every Sunday, I sprinkle my mattress cover with a mixture of DE, Baking Soda, and Citronella essential oils.

First, early in the morning, I strip the bed and all its linen. Secondly, I sprinkle the mattress cover and let it sit all day in the open air. Lastly, at night before going to bed, I vacuum the whole bed.  I use a confectionary shaker that is used in baking to store it (see shop below for the 3 pack).

Mind you, DE won’t cure the infestation, it is more of a natural preventive measure against them. Sprinkling areas around and under the bed will also help. If you have an actual infestation, you will have to seek a professional.

DE to eliminate fleas and bedbugs on the mattress for more comfortable sleeping for your pets and yourself.

  1. To eliminate fleas use diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth can also be applied directly to the coat of your pets to eliminate fleas. We put ours in a container that is normally used for confectionary sugar. I will list the link in the “Shop” section at the end of this article.

How to use DE on pets?

DE removes fleas from your pets skin allowing them to feel comfortable in and out of the home.
  • Starting from the base of the tail to the head, sprinkle diatomaceous earth in the coat of your cat or dog. Add a few drops of pure lavender essential oil to the DE, optional. If you make a batch of this, just be sure to label the shaker can, “for pet use”!
  • Using a glove, massage it into the fur, do not create a whirlwind, try and keep it contained in the pet’s hair.

Caution: take care not to apply the DE powder in the eyes and ears of your pet.

If you have fleas in your carpets or furniture, you can also sprinkle a little diatomaceous earth in your home on the carpets then proceed to vacuum the carpet.

  1. Diatomaceous earth for your health

This is one of the most popular uses of diatomaceous earth. Indeed, many people are interested in the health benefits of diatomaceous earth. It is highly beneficial to the health of your hair, nails, and skin. The benefits of diatomaceous earth are similar to the benefits of silica, especially to reduce cholesterol levels. Moreover, diatomaceous earth is 85% silica. I would not consume more than 1/2-1 teaspoon a day and you will need plenty of water after taking. It’s best to take with a glass of water. Please do your own research on how much and how often to ingest DE. If in doubt, talk to your doctor or nutritionist for advice.

Attention: Consume only organic, Food-Grade diatomaceous earth! I will list the link in the “Shop” section at the end of this article where we purchase ours.

  1. To protect your plants from insects, use DE

Sometimes there are so many insects that you have to uproot the plant. By using diatomaceous earth, you protect your plants from insects harmful to their health.

Using DE against flying insects

  • After watering your plants, sprinkle them with diatomaceous earth.
  • Using a sprayer, spray a little water on your plants to ensure diatomaceous earth adheres to your plants.

Do not forget to apply it to the underside of the leaves. The best time to apply diatomaceous earth is in the morning. Why? Because it allows the earth to dry optimally!

Using DE against creeping insects

  • First, sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the base of the plants that are being attacked.
  • Second, the idea is to form a circle around the base of the plant. Take care that no leaves touch the ground: it would be easy access for insects that climb on your plants.
  • Keeping slugs away using this method is particularly effective too.
  1. Use diatomaceous earth as a wormer for your dog, cat and inside birds

Looking for an alternative to chemicals to eliminate worms from your pet? It’s not complicated: just add a little diatomaceous earth to your dog’s or cat’s diet and mix. (Please refer to your veterinarian before starting this). For our home, this is what we have done for the last 15 years or so with our animals and we have never encountered a problem. We offer DE once a week.

DE can also eliminate other types of animal worms in their bodies such as hookworms, roundworms, and pinworms. If they do have them, they will need a heavy regiment for a week of a daily dose of DE to be effective. Again, consult your vet if in doubt! Ensure there is plenty of fresh, clean water at all times.

Diatomaceous earth dosage for dogs: 

Always test with a very small dosage and watch for sensitivity and increase dosage each time to the recommended amount.

  • For puppies and small dogs: ½ teaspoon
  • And dogs less than 50 pounds or 23 kg: 1/2-1 teaspoon
  • Dogs over 50 pounds or 23 kg: 1 tablespoon
  • Dogs over 100 pounds or 45 kg: 1-2 tablespoons

Diatomaceous earth dosage for cats:

Always test with a very small dosage and watch for sensitivity and increase dosage each time to the recommended amount.

  • Kittens: ½ teaspoon
  • Adult cats: 1/2-1 teaspoon

Dosage of diatomaceous earth for inside birds:

Always test with a very small dosage and watch for sensitivity and increase dosage each time to the recommended amount.

  • Gabby, our Sun Conure, she just gets a very light dusting once a week sprinkled in her seed food
  • Tsianna, our African Gray, she gets just a little bit more than a light dusting once a week sprinkled in her seed food
  1. How to use diatomaceous earth to keep food pest-free and dry

Did you know that the majority of dry foods are at risk of eating mites? To protect your food from mites, use diatomaceous earth. In addition, diatomaceous earth protects food from moisture, germination, and mold. Just add a little diatomaceous earth to the dry foods you store in food boxes (cereals, starchy foods, beans, rice, corn, etc.). Diatomaceous earth will keep them dry and protect them from insects. Optional, place a round piece of linen or muslin on top of food and sprinkle the DE on top in the center, easy to remove. Or, make “food-grade dryer bags”, see below for instructions.

Natural way to keep pet food from pest and dry for storage using DE

Gift ideas using diatomaceous earth:

Use proper PPE, gloves, respirator if outside and protect clothes and counters. Remove little children and pets from the area while handling DE.

One way to make the food-grade “dryer bags” is to sew muslin/linen or heavy natural material bags up three sides, turn right-side out fill with DE and tie off with a cotton string. Another way is to sew all 4 sides minus an inch. Using a funnel, fill with DE and hand whipstitch closed. Place these “dryer bags” inside dry goods, flour containers, inside dry dog food as well as the chicken scratch.

For gift-giving ensure to make a note attached to the “dryer food bags” describing the contents and how to use them. Including a link to this post is even better for a thorough better understanding of DE if they are unfamiliar with the product.  When gift-giving, it is best to wrap a piece of material around the “dryer bags” since handling them will release some of the DE.

For an added special touch, embroider something on the bag such as “food”. This will be helpful in making the shoe dryer bags too to identify which one is for what.

I place the bags in the dehydrator on low if they feel like they have moisture in them. Or, add the contents to the compost pile and start over, reusing the bags again. I have also composted the whole bag and started over making new bags from scratch.

  1. To protect your chickens from fleas use DE

Perfect way to protect your chickens from fleas and other animals in a natural way using DE

If you have a henhouse, you know that hens are at risk for fleas and mites. We use diatomaceous earth to protect our chickens. Add diatomaceous earth to your henhouse and their dust bath area.  Even if your henhouse is not infested with fleas and mites, it’s a good idea to sprinkle it as a preventive treatment.

  1. How to use diatomaceous earth as a homemade toothpaste

Diatomaceous earth is a mild abrasive. Besides, did you know that it is a basic ingredient of most toothpaste? Just add a pinch of diatomaceous earth to your toothpaste before brushing your teeth. I mix it up and add a dip into food-grade charcoal powder. You will be amazed by the feeling of cleanliness on your teeth after this treatment.

  1. Use diatomaceous earth as a cleansing mask for your face

I have oily skin, even at my age! I strive for all-natural products whenever possible, especially on my body. That’s why I use diatomaceous earth for cleaning my face with a DIY mask I make at home.

Natural face mask for healthy skin using DE

How to make an all-natural face mask using diatomaceous earth

  1. Mix diatomaceous earth with filtered water-(Yes, I used filtered water, I do not like chlorine on my face) to obtain a paste (or substitute organic unrefined coconut oil for the water-I have oily skin and do not use, but will work wonders for dry skin)
  2. Apply this paste on your face, like a mask
  3. Leave on for 5-10 minutes
  4. Rinse your face with water to remove the mask
  5. I love to follow-up with a Witch Hazel splash! Want more information on witch hazel? Check out my blog Amazing Benefits of using Witch Hazel for some cool information and tips. .
  6. How about making a pumpkin face mask? My Dehydrating Pumpkins and Recipe blog will show you how you can use pumpkins for a more healthier and soft skin.

Warning: do not repeat this treatment more than 2 times a week. Why? Because diatomaceous earth can dry the skin on your face! I only do this once a week and less in the summer.

  1. Where to use diatomaceous earth to deodorize your home

There are many ways to use diatomaceous earth to deodorize your home and eliminate odors.

  • For garbage cans: Sprinkle a layer of diatomaceous earth on the bottom of your bin to eliminate odors. (Optional, add activated charcoal with the DE). It may stain trash can if plastic if using charcoal if that is not acceptable, do not use it.
  • For your cat’s litter: Use gloves or a spatula, mix diatomaceous earth with litter; as DE can absorb up to 2 times its weight in liquid. (Optional, add activated charcoal with the DE).
  • For shoes: Sprinkle the inside of smelly sneakers or boots with DE. Let stand overnight.
  • You may try making an odor-absorbing shoe insert yourself by sewing a piece of muslin/linen or a heavy natural material up the 3 sides, adding the DE along with essential oils and tying with a cotton string.  NOTE: a few drops will do you on the essential oil. (see the directions for making gifts using DE, under #6 above).
  • For carpet and rugs: First vacuum the carpet. Next, sprinkle with diatomaceous earth.  Allow the DE to stand 12 – 24 hours on the carpets before vacuuming again. It would be better if you sprinkled the carpets before going to bed as long as there won’t be humans or pets walking through it. (Ensure your pets are not allowed in the carpet area during the night).

How to store diatomaceous earth

Since DE is an actual powder form, it is best to keep it dry as possible. I store most of mine in a plastic bucket with a lid and a smaller metal garbage can with a lid for the interior of the home uses, pets, beds, food, etc. It is best to keep it out of light, the lid tight on at all times and clearly identified with a label.

How to store diatomaceous powder

Where to find diatomaceous earth?

Diatomaceous earth can be found in many stores.  Food grade and organic Diatomaceous earth is my strongest suggestion! See the shop below where to find Organic DE for your home.

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade can be found on Amazon

Charcoal Powder can be found on Amazon

3 Pack Stainless Steel Powder Shaker can be found on Amazon

Berkey Water Filter can be found on Amazon

Farmhouse Basic Collection Diatomaceous Earth natural living

22 thoughts on “Diatomaceous Earth for fleas and other uses for Natural Living”

  1. Pingback: How To Use Fish Emulsion ⋆ Farmhouse-bc

  2. Pingback: Seed Organization In 6 Amazingly Simple Ways ⋆ Farmhouse-bc

  3. Pingback: Growing and Using Lemongrass - Farmhouse Basic Collection.

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  5. Hello

    Thank you for usefull article regarding Diatomaceous earth, we also found it very important for human health. Please keep us updated with more usefull informations.

    Best Regards

  6. Pingback: Super easy bird suet treats - Farmhouse Basic Collection.

  7. Pingback: Baking Soda Benefits and Uses - Farmhouse Basic Collection.

  8. Thanks for another informative website. Where else may I get that kind of info written in such an ideal way? I’ve a undertaking that I’m just now operating on, and I’ve been at the glance out for such information.

  9. Bentonite clay is great for face masks and toothpaste 🙂 Thank so much for leaving a comment, it is much appreciated.

  10. This is all very interesting! I use it around the doors to help with box elder bugs but haven’t heard/thought of using it for some of these things.
    I use bentonite clay for face masks toothpaste, etc.

  11. Thank you so much for the comment. I am glad you use DE for the furbabies! I try to keep them using natural products as possible too.

  12. Dang, Jersey, who knew? You have provided so much valuable information here! I have to learn more for my 50+ hens. Thank you!

  13. Love this post and all the ways one can use diatomaceous earth! I have been using it to control fleas in our dog but will definitely try all the other uses, too!

  14. Oh wow! I had never even heard of this before. So many different ways to use it! Such an informative article and such great information!

  15. You are my breathing in, I own few web logs and infrequently run out from brand :). “Never mistake motion for action.” by Ernest Hemingway.

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  18. Pingback: Amazing Benefits of using Witch Hazel - Farmhouse Basic Collection.

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