The best 15 cut flowers to grow include seeds and bulbs. Maybe you want to become a florist, but you don’t have enough experience growing flowers. You may feel jealous seeing your neighbor’s garden filled with colorful flowers.

However, you don’t need to give up because you can become an amateur florist who has many beautiful flowers in your garden.
Here, you can try planting the best cut flowers to grow. What are the best cut flowers to grow from seed? Anyway, there are so many of the easiest cut flowers to grow. Now you can check the following examples of cut flowers that can grow easily.
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Question? How Do I Keep Cut Flowers Fresh Longer?
Answer: I like to add some cut up charcoal that is used in fish tanks. But a dash of bleach mixed in a quart of water will also keep bacteria away. Changing the water frequently with filtered water also helps keep the flowers fresh longer!
Print Cut Flowers Frameable Art
My Favorite 15 Cut Flowers
Even though I only listed 15 cut flowers, there are hundreds to grow or buy. These 15 below are just my absolute favorite to grow and keep around my house during the spring and summer.
These flowers are orange, red, yellow, and mixed. It will look beautiful in the sun. Many people grow this flower because it also belongs to the best annual cutting flowers. You only need to take the Marigold flower seeds and plant the seeds in a pot or literally scatter in a flower bed.
Plant the marigolds next to tomato plants to help repel some bugs that do not like the fragrance of the marigold. This is something I always try and do.

If you prefer to plant the best cut flowers to grow from seed, the Aster flowers are the best choice. This flower is simple but elegant. The white and yellow color combination make this flower look soothing to your eyes.
It’s best to start the seeds indoors 2 months before the last frost. Seedlings will emerge in 2-3 weeks. Daisies can be sowed directly in soil once the weather warms up to 70 degrees.
Roses are flowers that symbolize love. The red color of the rose can soothe the soul and bring love. No wonder many flower lovers always have roses in their gardens.
Besides, the rose is also one of the best cut flowers to grow. Planting roses is very easy. You just need to cut the rose stem at an angle and dust it with a rooting hormone and stick it to the ground. You can plant as many roses as you want this way.
When purchasing roses, look for a hearty rose grown for cut flowers and that last a long time once cut. The English roses, such as Rosa Young Lucidas are among my best choices for rose-cut flowers.
Lupine is also a beautiful flower with extraordinary color combinations. This flower can grow up to 36” above the ground. That’s not the most important thing because the most important thing is that this flower can grow easily.
You only need to plant the seeds or cuttings in the backyard of your house. This flower can fill your garden forever because it will grow and develop by itself.

Sunflowers are flowers that have many seeds and a shape that resembles the sun. Some countries even make sunflower seeds as a snack. Therefore, it is no wonder that sunflowers can grow easily because of the seeds that fall on the ground and grow more.
This flower is not only beautiful, but you can also take the seeds as a source of vitamins. My wild birds get fed black sunflower seeds in their feeders and they love it. The squirrels do too!
The Allamanda flower is known as the golden trumpet or yellow bellflower. This flower has a distinctive yellow color. Unlike the previous flowers, Allamanda flowers can grow up to two meters more, so it would be better if you plant them in large pots or planted them in the yard of the house.
Unlike orchids, these flower ornamental plants are easier to grow, because they do not require a special pot. You can even make it a vine by attaching the stem to a wooden fence.

Cosmos is the best choice if you want flowers in various colors. This flower can grow in the sun and will grow easily in any soil. When planting this flower, you don’t need to pay much attention as the flowers will grow and will reproduce from the seed.
Surely you are familiar with bougainvillea flowers. This flower is also popular because of its various colors. They will beautify the exterior of the house and bougainvillea flowers also can absorb air pollution.
Besides being beautiful, of course, this flower can be a natural air filter so that the air around can be fresher. Cut the flowers before they are mature to last longer.
Plants from lilies or also known as lilies can grow from 2 to 8 feet tall!. The main characteristics of this flowering plant are the longleaf shape, the fragrant aroma, and the flowers which only have three petals. If you look closely, this flower has identical spots.

This lavender is very popular, not only for the cuttings you get but for the way to use dried lavender. Dried lavender makes a great smelling potpourri, sachets and can even be used in making bath products, especially bath salts!
If you sell at the local farmer’s market, lavender is a great contender for front row. Don’t forget to use them in crafts, like a lavender wreath, they will last for years if kept out of moisture and direct light.
This white color is not only fragrant, but it is also the best cut flower to grow. You can plant jasmine flowers by just cuttings in the stem. You can plant it in a pot and this flower is also beautiful as an ornamental plant in the yard.
Before planting them, either in pots or directly on the soil, you should first plant these flowers in a polybag container. Then move it to the container or planting medium that you want.

The gladioli grows from corms. The blooms are tall and perfect for large vases or vessels. Gladiolus is a perennial and comes from the iris family. The gladioli comes in a variety of colors and types. Some are mini and others can grow as tall as 4 feet!
These flowers only bloom once in a year and I like to plant them at different times in the spring, this way there will be a continuous bloom during the summer months.
If you wonder what the sun’s heat-resistant outdoor ornamental plant is, then the answer is frangipani. Frangipani belongs to an outdoor ornamental plant that is able to adapt to the open-air environment and get more frequent exposure to direct sunlight.
Frangipani flowers have an allure in their beautiful and pretty colored petals with a combination of white and yellow. Frangipani can thrive even if they are not watered.

Peonies are romantic cut flowers, often used in weddings. The blooms are large and soft. Unfortunately the season is too short for this wonder cut flower. Enjoy them while you can. They do have an assortment of colors to grow and the pink and white are my favorite! As with most cut flowers, it is best to cut the peony early in the morning.
At least 3 sets of leaves should be left on the plant to keep the plant growing healthy. Most peonies can be cut to bring indoors when the bud is large and you can see the first petal move away from the bud.
Another easiest cut flower to grow is Hibiscus. Hibiscus flowers have a very beautiful and enchanting color. Its triumph is coupled with its numerous flower shapes and sizes, from single petals to beautiful pile petals. This flower that gets a lot of fans has been widely planted in the yard as an ornamental plant.
Hibiscus is a plant that can grow easily and it can withstand hot living locations. Therefore, the hibiscus flower is also a type of sun-resistant plant.
In Conclusion

Finally, those are the best cut flowers to grow that you can plant in your backyard. Some of the flowers you can cut or you can sow their seeds. They will grow easily even when you don’t take care of them.
My favorite way to use cut flowers is to make bouquets and put them throughout my home.
But, you can also put the flowers in pots so that your garden looks more beautiful. I have a post on Guide to Container Gardening which would work really well with cut flowers, check out that post as well as the ones below;
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In my own garden, I only like to use my Manure Tea Recipe in my Hügelkultur Raised Beds, and even in the Oya and Ollas that get the liquid fertilizer. I do like to switch out the manure tea every other week with my Fish Emulsion Fertilizer (read more about that).
Need some ideas on what to grow this year in your garden? 11 Great Plants to Regrow From Cuttings is all you need!
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