Coconut Oil Pulling for Healthy Oral Care

Coconut oil pulling

I know you may be thinking what does coconut oil pulling have to do with farmhouse living?? Oral health care should be a part of any type of home living. It is a part of healthy health care. Oil pulling is the best way to protect your mouth and prevent bleeding gums and gingivitis and other mouth irritations.

  • Whitens teeth
  • Kills bad breath
  • Soothes gums from Invisalign wearing
  • Heal’s gums that bleed
  • Detoxifies the body by removing toxins from the mouth
  • Removes plaque by removing the bacteria Streptococcus from the mouth
  • Is not like a harsh mouthwash with alcohol in it
  • Prevents cavities
  • Stops tooth decay
  • Lessens jaw pain from TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint)-I personally have had issues with this and still do at times
  • Improves oral health care
  • Reduce inflammation in the mouth and gums
  • Loosens sinuses and congestion while removing the toxins out of the body

Farmhouse basic collection coconut oil pulling for healthy teeth and gumsFollow these six easy steps to have better oral health care

  1. Start your day off right-before you oil pull by not eating or drinking anything. You may choose to leave a squirt for the charcoal powder that you should follow up with after pulling. Do this 3 times a week for extra teeth whitening
  2. Warm up the oil sachet in your hand, pocket, or place in a warm cup of water.  For instance, if the oil is cold you may have to “chew” it in your mouth until it warms up.Coconut oil pulling, healthy gums, teeth whitener, fresh breath
  3. Open the oil pulling sachet, the sachet means no messy measuring, or having a spoon in the bathroom and contaminating the coconut oil.
  4. Start out 5 minutes the first few times and work your way up to 15-20 minutes. Oil pulling is like working a muscle, you need to start out slowly to let your jaw adjust.Farmhouse Basic Collection Coconut oil pulling, healthy mouth, good oral care
  5. After your “workout” of pulling, spit out in the sink, do not swallow the toxins. Rinse with warm to cool water and using warm salt water to rinse is beneficial also.Farmhouse Basic Collection Coconut oil pulling, healthy mouth, teeth whitening, oral care
  6. Floss and brush your teeth as normal, try using charcoal powder with a squirt of coconut oil pulling on your toothbrush. Follow this oral regimen 2-3 times a week to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Once your teeth and gums are healthy, it will be easy to maintain. For more plaque build-up, it is best to visit your dentist prior.

Have you ever used coconut oil pulling before, if so, what has your success been with it? Please leave a comment, we would love to have your feedback.

If you have never tried coconut oil pulling and would like to, please visit the links below to purchase our products. We will be setting up a shop here on this site but until then you may purchase our private label oral health care here:

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Also, I try and mention before I add the link if the link is something I personally sell in my business on Amazon or Etsy.

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