Banana Butter in the Instant Pot

Banana Butter in the Instant Pot

Banana butter and the instant pot?  First of all, you’re probably asking what is banana butter?  Banana butter is something to make when you have way too many bananas purchased in the clearance section to make banana bread with.  My dehydrator has been running full force lately.  Therefore, I was unable to make banana rollups that I had originally planned to use some of the bananas for.

Making banana butter is one way of using up ripe bananas.  The traditional way to make banana butter is to do it on a stovetop and stir for approximately 20 minutes or so.  If you know anything about me by now, you know I’m too busy (lazy) for that.  Since I have three instant pots, yes three, I’d decided to use the PIP which means pot inside a pot to make the banana butter. Using the PIP method ensures the banana butter does not burn.

First of all, let me explain what PIP method.  I use the entire inner stainless steel pot from my smallest instant pot. I then place that pot inside the larger instant pot.

banana butter from overripe bananas

Ingredients for banana butter

  • 4 cups of ripe bananas
  • 1 ½ cups sugar in the raw or a little less
  • 1 cups white organic cane sugar
  • A half-cup of fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon butter

Using a potato ricer to mash the bananas, cuts down on the slimy starch just as for mashed potatoes.

Steps to make banana butter:

  • add a cup of water to the bottom of the larger Instant Pot
  • place all the ingredients into the smaller pot
  • use the “rice” setting
  • close the lid and set the vent to sealing

Preparing the canning jars:

  • While the banana butter is in the pressure cooker, start cleaning the canning jars
  • Preheat the oven to the warm setting
  • Wash the jars and lids and rings with very hot soapy water, rinse well
  • Put the jars in a “warm” oven, upside down on a cooling rack to allow the water to drain
  • Wash the canning lids in hot soapy water, rinse well
  • Place the lids in a pan of hot water and also place in the oven
  • Heat up a large pan of water for the water bath on the stove

Canning the banana butter directions

When the pressure cooker has finished the rice setting, manually release the pressure.  Optional, add 1 pouch of Pectin to the cooked bananas. Fill the jars to within ½ inch from the top with the banana butter.  Wipe the jar top clean with a cotton cloth. Place a lid and ring on the jar.  Put the jars in the water bath. Ensure the water is at least 1-inch headspace over the jars.  Water bath for 10 minutes once the water starts to boil.

Remove the jars and place them on a wooden cooling rack. If not sealed, either put in a water bath or in the fridge for future use.

Since there is controversy over whether you can “can” banana butter safely, the safest thing to do would be to immediately refrigerate the banana butter and use it in a timely manner, and forgo the water-bath canning process. I share what I do, not what I suggest you do.

Storing jams and jellies

It is best to store all canned goods in a cool, dry and dark place. I have had my jams and jelly last a year without any issues. Always check for mold and foul smell before using any canned goods. If you’d like to try another jam or jelly, I have a post Apple Pie Jam.

banana butter

Uses for banana butter

Here are only a few ways I eat banana butter, the uses are endless.

Farmhouse Basic Veggie Wash Soap can be found on Amazon 

Berkey Water Filter System can be found on Amazon

Handy Dough Whisks can be found on Amazon 

Kitchen Scale can be found on Amazon 

Potato ricer can be found on Amazon

Ice Cream Maker can be found on Amazon

banana butter

3 thoughts on “Banana Butter in the Instant Pot”

  1. Pingback: One-Bowl Banana Bread ⋆ Farmhouse-bc

  2. What a great idea! I think this would be really good on toast with some coconut flakes on top. Thanks for sharing!

  3. You answered my question right off the bat, thank you! I have never heard of banana butter. I am going to try this, I am intrigued. I am a huge instant pot fan and am always looking for new ways to use it.

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