25 ways to use a rolling pin? You’re probably wondering why would I need more than one way to use a rolling pin? I thought the same thing until I realized there are many ways to use a rolling pin beside the obvious. Below I will show you my rolling pin hacks and uses other than making pie crust.
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25 ways to use a rolling pin
- Rolling out pie crust. (This the most obvious of course).
- Smashing crumbs, place dried bread or cookies between wax paper (bet you thought I might say plastic? Nope-no plastic here) and roll the pin back and forth to make crumbs.
- Pushing down the trash. I keep one propped up inside the cabinet, next to the trash. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten my hand or fingers cut pushing down the trash over the years. It also keeps the hands from getting dirty when doing so.
- Tamping down meat when grinding meat as for making tallow or jerky and excellent for tamping cabbage for making coleslaw.
- Ice smasher, especially for making those good ole drinks, use a stainless-steel vessel for this procedure or else you may crack the glass.
- Bookmark, place in the seam or across the pages of the cookbook to hold it open when reading a recipe.
- Tenderizing chicken breasts, place the meat between wax paper and give a few good whacks to the meat to tenderize it.
- Grind herbs and spices, this will eliminate the need for a mortar and pestle.
- Cooling rack for cakes or pans. This is especially helpful for the long rectangle pans. Lay two pins far enough away from one another to allow air to circulate under the pan but not too far the pins will roll away. Propping a book next to the pins will also aid in this.
- Tension reliever, roll on the back of calves after exercising to sooth the tighten muscles.
- Plantar fascia foot massager put on the floor and roll foot arches back and forth to release stress on the arches. Stop if you feel more pain. Follow up with a warm soak with Epsom salts.
- My favorite use! Pressing open fabric seams. Finger press the seams open and either iron on the wood or wrap a piece of batting over the pin. My preferred method is to wrap cotton batting around the pin then add a piece of white cotton over the batting.
- Protection in your vehicle. There’s no law that states you can’t have cooking utensils under the front seat. Especially if the pin is still wrapped and there’s a rubber spatula next to it. I’m just sayin 😊
- Spray painting lifter, place 2 or more pins under the project to keep the piece off the ground and allow air to circulate under it. Heavy pieces should be gauged for weight. A sheetrock screw may be needed to the side of the pins to keep them from rolling.
- As a hammer especially good for small nails and push pins.
- Soften butter without heat or microwave. Place the butter between 2 sheets of wax paper and gently roll back and forth. This will soften the butter quickly.
- Tiers for cake or decorations. Either use the whole pin (that would be rather tall) or cut into pieces in between the tiers. Terrie has a great tutorial on this, check her out DIY DOLLAR TREE DOUBLE TIER TRAY.
- Tape measurer. Tack a cloth ruler on the pin and use for gauging inches when baking. Take the cloth ruler off and hand wash. I get plenty of those when I buy Moda jelly fabric rolls. Win-Win!
- Paintbrush prop. When painting, elevate the brush or roller over the pin, it keeps the paint off the counter and the brush from sticking to the counter.
- Measuring cup rack. Wrap a ribbon or heavy rope around the ends (you will need to add end caps such as little balls or a wire eye) and tie in a knot above the pin and hang on a nail. Use teacup hooks, screw into the pin and hang measuring cups and spoons.
- Designate one pin just for crafts such as polymer clays. Need to know how to make your own salt-dough keepsake ornaments, that can be found Easy DIY Salt Dough Keepsakes.
- Waffle wrap, take hot thin waffles off the griddle, immediately wrap around the pin to cool. The link for sourdough waffles can be found The Fluffiest Sourdough Waffles for Two. When cool, add homemade ice cream. Need to know how to make homemade ice cream, check out that post Homemade Ice Cream-Eggless?
- Paper towel dispenser, glue the rolling pin with wood glue to a base or tile to make the dispenser. Stand the pin upright and add paper towels.
- Taco shaper, make a homemade sourdough tortilla, post can be found Bread Machine Sourdough Tortillas and wrap in half over the pin while cooling.
- Cut the rolling pin in half, stain or paint and use for holding TP in the bathroom. Drill a hole in the end, thread with a white rope, knot and suspend off the wall using a knob, preferably a wooden one painted or stained the same color as the rolling pin.
If you can’t find the rolling pin at the local dollar tree, the exact French rolling pin can be be found on Amazon
If you do decide to try something mentioned in the blog post; always do a patch test on your forearm or side of the hand to ensure you are not allergic or having an adverse reaction to the product(s).