Here are my 20 most recent blog posts, click on the title to be taken to the post
- Industrial and Engineering Checklist and LogbooksLogbooks and checklists for the industrial and engineering sector are mandatory for OSHA compliant as well as internal documentation. Industrial and Engineering Forklift Maintenance Logbook In any manufacturing industry, safety comes first and is not optional but mandatory. Check out the recommendations for logbooks… Read more: Industrial and Engineering Checklist and Logbooks
- Prompted Journals and DiariesJournaling is a great way to explore your thoughts and emotions, while also improving self-awareness. Prompted journals and diaries are effective tools for those who want to get the most out of their diary writing. By using prompts in your journaling, you’re creating structure… Read more: Prompted Journals and Diaries
- Blood Pressure Tracker and Blood Sugar Log BookVitalizing health involves taking proactive measures, such as regularly monitoring blood pressure and glucose levels. Keeping tabs on these indicators can help you stay in the pink of health and ward off any potential complications if possible. Keep track of your health with the… Read more: Blood Pressure Tracker and Blood Sugar Log Book
- Notes to My Child, Son, or Daughter JournalNotes to My Child, Son, or Daughter can include memories and giving advice from the moment they are born until they are grown. Or have one book per year to read like a series? Tell stories with love and feelings. Or start from today… Read more: Notes to My Child, Son, or Daughter Journal
- Trump Inspired Notebooks-A Political StatementTrump inspired notebooks could be used for taking notes, keeping track of the next election, or giving as a gift, gag or not, you choose! This beautiful paperback notebook can be used for journaling, taking notes, as a diary, thoughts, gratitude reminders, and more!… Read more: Trump Inspired Notebooks-A Political Statement
- Scissor Skills and Tracing Skills Practice BooksLearning scissors skills and tracing skills are important for a child’s development. These skills help to develop fine motor control, coordination, and hand-eye coordination. They also help children with their confidence in the classroom and at home. Children who have developed these skills have… Read more: Scissor Skills and Tracing Skills Practice Books
- Word Puzzles, Word Searches, and Game Activity BooksWord puzzles, word searches, and game activities can stimulate the mind and provide an exciting challenge for anyone looking to have a bit of fun. For people of all ages, these activities can be incredibly engaging as they require one to think strategically and… Read more: Word Puzzles, Word Searches, and Game Activity Books
- Cute Notebooks for Journaling and Taking NotesThese beautiful notebooks can be used for journaling, taking notes from sermons, as a diary, thoughts, gratitude reminders, and more! Make sure to choose paperback or hardcover when purchasing, if they are available. Notebooks are also known as writing pads, tablets, notepads, compositions, journals,… Read more: Cute Notebooks for Journaling and Taking Notes
- Notebooks for Introverts or NotNotebooks for introverts (like myself) are designed around the private person who needs to take notes or discover themselves on paper. The journal notebooks are the perfect size to fit in a purse, backpack, or carried in the hands. These beautiful notebooks can be… Read more: Notebooks for Introverts or Not
- Easy Coloring Books for All AgesEasy coloring books are not just for kids anymore. In fact, more and more adults are turning to coloring books as a way to wind down after a long day or to simply take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.… Read more: Easy Coloring Books for All Ages
- Notebooks for Christian WomenNotebooks for Christian women are designed around the Christian woman and women of faith theme. The journal notebooks are the perfect size to fit in a purse, backpack, or carried in the hands. These beautiful notebooks for Christian women or women of faith can… Read more: Notebooks for Christian Women
- My Idea and Sketchbook for Art and JournalingThese beautifully designed sketchbooks and ideas paperback and hardcover notebooks are perfect for those who love to be creative! The pages are filled with journaling wide-ruled lined paper and the other half with dotted sketching paper. The sketchbook is also great for practicing your… Read more: My Idea and Sketchbook for Art and Journaling
- Perpetual Christmas PlannerThe perpetual Christmas Planner allows the user to pick the dates for the day, week, month, and year. This enables the user to use the Christmas planner for any year. If you like the style and theme and would love to use a new… Read more: Perpetual Christmas Planner
- How to Use Fish EmulsionHow to use fish emulsion is so easy to do if you know how! There are 2 incredible options for an organic way to add nutrients to plants. Buying fish emulsion in a bottle, or making it yourself! In my opinion, fish emulsion is… Read more: How to Use Fish Emulsion
- Using Ollas in GardensUsing ollas in gardens is one of the most efficient hydration methods for your plants and has been around for centuries! Ollas pronounced as Oyas is an in-ground hydration source that I prefer to use in my Hugelkultur Raised Beds. Don’t know what those… Read more: Using Ollas in Gardens
- Jam Recipe in the Bread MachineEasy jam recipe in the bread machine-only 3 ingredients is something I love to make when I am out of a jam and I don’t feel like making a huge batch or even canning in a water bath. This jam recipe in the bread… Read more: Jam Recipe in the Bread Machine
- Easy Memory Quilt From Silk TiesMemory quilt from silk ties is so easy if you know-how, and the PERFECT gift for Father’s Day! Easy quilt ideas for wall hanging quilts or special pillows. You can also pick up 100% silk ties from the thrift store. I pay $1.50 each… Read more: Easy Memory Quilt From Silk Ties
- The Best 15 Cut Flowers to GrowThe best 15 cut flowers to grow include seeds and bulbs. Maybe you want to become a florist, but you don’t have enough experience growing flowers. You may feel jealous seeing your neighbor’s garden filled with colorful flowers. However, you don’t need to give… Read more: The Best 15 Cut Flowers to Grow
- Attract More Butterflies in 10 Easy Tips!Attract more butterflies in 10 Easy Tips and tricks to keep them coming back! Butterflies are so beautiful and peaceful to look at and their short lives bring such pleasure. So, why not make the butterflies more welcome to your garden and yard? Attracting… Read more: Attract More Butterflies in 10 Easy Tips!
- Super Easy Moonshine Extracts-4 Recipes ProvidedSuper easy moonshine extracts are so easy to make and I will show you how to make four of my favorite moonshine extracts with recipes provided. Once you succeed in making just one extract, I bet you’ll be hooked like I was after my… Read more: Super Easy Moonshine Extracts-4 Recipes Provided
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